Monday, May 13, 2019

About to Put It to Bed

Sometimes I feel as thought Mondays are made for the "Quick & Easy" trade post. So, let's put it into practice. 

Mike, the author of Not Another Baseball Card Blog, and I completed a trade in which I sent him some Expos for his "one million Expos" project and returned in kind with set help.

I feel like Sparky is reaching out to say, "These are not the droids you're looking for."
 In all, there were forty-six 1988 Topps cards in the package and I needed everyone of them.
Actually, it was an "Eddie Murray Hot Package!" Woo-Hoo! 

Tomorrow will be the post that closes the book on my '88 Topps set build.
Thanks again, Mike. I hope you liked all those Expos!


  1. I did enjoy them! Glad I could help with the 88 build

  2. Lol. Mondays are usually my "quick and easy" posts too.

  3. Murray’s regular card is one of my favorites. Congratulations on finishing this off
