Monday, August 12, 2013

PWE Fuels Another Batch of Coasters

Judson, the author of the wonderful bog My Cardboard Habit, dropped a Plain White Envelope in the mail for me the other day.

I opened it Sunday morning to find shiny Cubs from this year's newly released Bowman Product staring back at me. Nice!

Isn't that gold Starlin Castro a beauty?  For record, and because I know everyone's scoring at home, all Castro and Rizzo cards are binder worthy in my household.  Thanks, Judson!

I guess the aforementioned cards were supposed to be on the bottom of the pile, because in my haste I overlooked the sticky note on the other side:

First things first.  Judson, you're welcome for Garza.  I'm going to miss him taking the bump every fifth day, but you can keep his Twitter rants and crazy facial hair.

Secondly, here's the card he was referring to:

Well, it just so happens that another blogger traded me this beauty of a die-cut earlier this spring.  But, then I got to thinking...

What am I going to do with the duplicate?

Then Ryan, from "O" No!!! Another Oriole's Blog, posted a reminder that his Topps Mini team break is going to start soon.

Shoot!  The last time minis came out I was able to make some sa-weet coasters!
 I still have an Andrew McCutchen, a Darwin Barney, and the Miggy laying around. (Let me know if you're interested.)  Clear epoxy encases the card... forever.  Gasp!  I've also taken to sprinkling in some glitter in the background and adding a team-colored felt backing.

Here's the Cut to the Chase Sandberg on the back of the Miggy Cabrera coaster.
Check. it. out.     The Sandberg should fit nicely within the confines of the coaster mold!  I was a little worried at first because I have had to lop off the corners of a traditional sized card.  No problems here though.  Nice.

Now, folks, I have four molds, and it's just as easy to do four coasters in one batch as it is to do one.  Any one else need a coaster for their man room?  Perhaps their card sorting table?  Maybe one for the coffee table next to your comfy chair?  Perhaps one for your desk at work?
Leave a comment if you're interested.  I'll need a card from you, but that's as easy as a PWE.  I'll send you my mailing address if needed.  I'll take the first three to comment, but I could easily be convinced to do another batch if there's the demand.

FYI: When looking for a card keep in mind that glossy finished cards like recent editions of Topps flagship work best.  I've tried card stock from the '80s and the epoxy often leaves visible water marks.  Also, be aware that smaller sized cards work better, at least aesthetically.

Perhaps you'll want to wait for Ryan's break to finish and use one of the duplicates he sends out.  I think he's opening three boxes, so that's a definite possibility!

 Thanks for the inspiration, Judson and Ryan!

1 comment:

  1. I would love a couple more coasters to give me a set of 4. I love Miggy and McCutchen :)
