Monday, January 13, 2014

A Small PWE from Texas

I thought everything was bigger in Texas?  No?  I'm sure I've heard that somewhere.

Well, Judson from the fun read of a blog, My Cardboard Habit, dropped a small PWE in the mail and it arrived sometime last week.  (Yes, I'm waaay behind on my mail and it's not getting any better anytime soon.)

Then I realized that the contents weren't just big, but they were HUGE!

Please notice that Topps spelled his name correctly using all caps, all the time.
Oooooh!  It's the black back version!
 ROCK SHOULDERS is the MAN.  You know what I heard?  When ROCK SHOULDERS performs a push-up, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down.  You know that's right. 

Oh, and Judson?  Yes, my friend, I most certainly can!  Gosh, I go batty over some ROCK SHOULDERS!

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