Dare I say it? Yes, I even feel as though I make a difference.
Today was one of those days where I come home and look at baseball related job postings on the internet. This usually happens only 3-5 times a school year, but the more times this happens, over the length of my now twelve year career, the more I seriously consider the jump to another profession.

Today was something else. Started over a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Ended a couple minutes later after I was finally able to force some space between two "gentlemen."
I hate it when people compare the teaching profession to that of a glorified babysitter. Today, I was that babysitter.
Here's the latest job in Major League Baseball that I have come across. It's only an internship, but you have to get your foot in the door somehow, right?
Oh, wait. I forgot. I'm really not keen on living in NYC and I really don't like the Yankees.
Hopefully tomorrow I won't feel like a babysitter.
Mr. Olson,
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, there are good teachers and there are bad teachers. There are teachers that completely understand the confusion we students sometimes feel. They understand how our minds work and try to accommodate their lessons to better teach us. They are 100% willing to do whatever it takes to teach their students, whether it's bringing in a bunt cake to class or passing out dum dums when we point out a mistake you've made (which happens very rarely). On the other hand there are bad teachers. There are lazy, incompetent teachers who perhaps don't care so much whether they are doing their job to the best of their ability. Maybe they have good intent, and maybe they want to teach well, but they are incapable. Who truly knows. But I'm proud to say that my Calculus teacher is the first kind; the hard working, compassionate, good-natured teacher that would do anything for his students. It is increasingly obvious that some "students" at our school have such little respect and maturity, which is unfortunate. I can understand how at times you may want to work in a different field, I know I wouldn't be able to handle being a teacher all year round... I happened upon this blog and I read it along with some other passages and I guess it made me realize how much I take for granted those people who come to DHS every morning and prepare to give us young people the most important and useful tool of our lives, knowledge. Knowledge and an example of how to be a good person. Perhaps one day you will get a new profession, Mr. Olson, and if you do, the best of luck. I'm not sure how much my anonymous opinion counts, but I know I can say that I am so greatful to have you as a teacher and as a role model. Your energy and enthusiasm is such a gift to me, and I know there are other students who feel the same way. If there is ever a time in which you may doubt your contribution, I want to assert my thoughts and tell you, Mr. Olson, that you are the best kind of teacher. The teacher that writes down every note on a post-it so as not to forget to give a student their notes or make-up work, the teacher that will spend a whole class period going over last night's homework so everyone can be on the same page, the teacher that will come in early or stay late for any student. I want you to know that I, as well as several others, notice these things, and it makes me respect you so much and realize that words or gifts could never repay you for your kindness. I think I forget that teachers are humans with real lives and families and goals and dreams and everything a normal person would have. I forget that you're not just another part of my routine school day. It is my intention to let you know, Mr. Olson, that, at least for me, and I can assure you for so many other students, your efforts and good-will are so much appreciated. Thank you for being the teacher you are, and the person you are. You make a difference every day, so thank you.
I could see that as your second career. You could look into stats taking for Bradley Baseball or the Chiefs. I found much of it is who you know, so getting your foot in the door is huge.
ReplyDeleteDuring my summer with the Chiefs, I lost some of my love for the game. I was just too close to it, living it every day. I try to sit back, relax and watch a Cubs game... well, it just didn't happen that summer.