
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Cards that Can't Go in the Man Room

My man room is currently in the middle of a massive renovation. I kid you not. It was just going to be a quick rearranging of the current furniture so I could add some bookcases to help the organization.
 Then I thought, "Huh, it would be nice if I could take some things off the walls, spread things out, and then rotate things throughout the year." You know, make things look a bit cleaner and less cluttered.
Look like Honus Bonus was a one and done.
 That's all good and well, but that lead to needing to spackle the holes from all the wall hangings. Not a biggie as I have some fairly proficient dry wall skills.
 I didn't have anymore paint that matched and I've been meaning to lighten things up down there. I went to the nearest big box hardware store and had them match the color of the book cases for a new gallon of paint.
 Then my wife said, "You might as well go all out. The room flooded last year and the carpet isn't the best." So I'm in the process of ordering carpet floor tiles from This way if I get water in the basement again I can just hang the carpet tiles up to dry.
 The carpet tiles will sit much lower than the current carpet, so I knew I would need to lower the baseboard trim.
  I gently pried the trim off the wall, so I could re-use it, and found black mold on the wall where the water came in from the aforementioned flood. Ugh.
I love the retro '84 design, just don't put them right next to an actual 1984 card. 
Black mold on the non-painted portion of drywall is a no-no. So I ripped it out. I then purchased wider baseboard trim so it will sit higher on the wall above the cut-out portion of drywall.
  I'll fill the empty space at the bottom with some random pieces I have laying around, but I won't have to tape or mud, because it will be hidden by the trim. That's a win in my book.
Vintage O-Pee-Chee!  Woo-Hoo!
In short, what was supposed to be an easy re-arranging project has turned in to a big make-over. It's going to be great when it's all finished, but for the time being all new cards are going to have to be stored in the office. Here's a picture of where I'm currently at:
You can see the tack strip on the floor. I'm not looking forward to prying that up. I remember that being a pain when we remodeled the living room.

Oh, I'm also going to replace all the switches and outlets to white. Currently they're that off-white yellowish color that was popular in the 1980s. I get to play with electricity. Woo-Hoo!

I'd like to thank Douglas, from Sportcards From the Dollar Store, for sending me the cards you see in this post. My favorites are:

  1.  the Oscar De La Cruz, because I love my prospects
  2. the '84 retro green parallel of Ian Happ, because he's turning into one of my favorites
  3. and all the vintage O-Pee-Chee, you know, because VINTAGE O-PEE-CHEE!
Thanks for the cards, Douglas. I'll find something worth sending across the border at a card show later in the month. I love hunting for cardboard for others!

And thanks to everyone for stopping by. I hope you still have all your digits after celebrating Independence Day!


  1. We have those yellowish plugs as well...I thought they were white that discolored, lol. I remember changing one out with my dad circa 1998. Good luck with the remodel!

  2. Dang, that’s rough. I’ve had a couple rooms in my current house that turned into projects like that. It’s definitely rewarding when it’s all done, though.

    And dude, if you don’t already have one, spend the extra cash to buy a voltage meter/detector. I’ve had a few close calls with some receptacles I thought were switched off but for some reason were wired to a switch separate from the rest of the room.

    1. Oh, no worries. I turn the power off at the fuse box and then check the outlets. I used to do it with everything hot, but then my wife snuck up behind one time, surprised me, and I got zapped. It wasn't serious, but now I play it safe.

    2. Good luck with the renovations!

  3. 1971 OPC is the best....those backs are just nails.

  4. Carpet tiles? I have never heard of such things. Hopefully you're able to give us a virtual tour when it's done. Good luck!

  5. Can't wait for the finished pics!

  6. Good luck with renovations . I need to so a little fixing up myself with mine.

  7. Can't wait to see the finished product!

    I've got a few rooms to tackle before the move next year that I'm not looking forward to. I did replace some outlets last year with ones that had USB ports as well.
