Wes, from Jaybarkerfan's Junk, must have his PWE Bomb launcher set to "Rapid Fire!"
I'm sure my wife believes that things are getting a little out of control. But really? How can that be? It's just a simple case of baseball cards being shipped some 550 miles apart between two friendly bloggers.
I will say this though: a cease fire may be in order, at least until I can track down some more suitable ammunition.
Here's the contents of the latest PWE Bomb to hit my mailbox...
Another D-Lee card to add to the collection:
I really like this '86 Fleer Star Sticker of potential Hall-of-Famer Lee Smith:
Hey! Another guy from my personal collection! Kid K! But, since he's retired now perhaps I should stop calling him that. No?
Uh-oh. Double Trouble of Carlos Zambrano. If I had another mini of Big Z I would totally write a cartoon with thought bubbles. You know, something involving a water cooler, a bat, and two little voices trying to persuade Carlos to vent his anger or try to suppress it. Oh, good stuff.
And lastly, the note from yesterday's PWE Bomb and the note from today's PWE Bomb.
No, Wes, thank you!
Whats 550 miles between friends