
Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Base and a Button

Lately, when asked, I've been subbing for other teachers during my prep period. The pay isn't fantastic, but I'll keep a rough record of what I earn when filling in where needed, and the bottom line always goes toward baseball cards or disc golf items. My family refers to this as "fun money!"

I found two rare Vogelmonsters.  And, let me tell you, they are FUN.

Behold! A "base" card!  (Yes, made with pieces from an actual game used base.)

I remember when Triple Threads came out in 2020 and Kyle Lewis was hitting homer after homer on his way to winning the Rookie of the Year award. I more or less gave up on owning one of these beauties.  Patience. Patience rewards those who wait!

Arguably Mitch Haniger, pictured at the top, is the biggest name on the card. But, just you wait. Pencil Vogey in as the DH for Milwaukee and good things will happen in 2022. 

The next card is from Panini's 2021 Spectra set and is numbered 1 out of 5. I'm missing quite a few parallels from this set still, but I was over the moon excited to land this gem.

This is my second Vogelbach button card, with the other being acquired last year from Panini's National Treasures. 

Oh, what a great week of checking the mailbox!

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy Super Bowl Sunday!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Snowy Saturday Mail Post

 The mailbox was empty three days this past work week. Typically, this is an occurrence I can expect maybe once a week, and I figure the big snowstorm which cancelled school for two days is partly responsible. 

Today made up for it. 

John, from Johnny's Trading Spot, sent me some Vogelbachs to admire. All seven of the cards within the PWE can be easily placed into one of two categories. Above, are the non-shiny cards. 

Below . . . HELLO shiny!
The Bowman Chrome mini, on the bottom right, shows the brilliance of chrome based cards in the light. I'm probably more of a vintage fan, which is famously not shiny, but I also fawn over cards which make me squint. I guess I'm an equal opportunity collector.   Thanks so much for the cards, John!

Also in the mail was an Ebay purchase. Each morning I pull up my "2021 Vogelbach" bookmark and browse through the most recent listings looking for new-to-me Vogelmonster cards.  I can't tell you how many times I've seen this next card come and go, being relisted and relisted, with the price sometimes staying static but dropping on occasion. 
The final price of this one, after taxes and with free shipping was $2.45. I couldn't let a relic card of my favorite player, from a high-end release like National Treasures, sit out their any longer. And actually, now that I think about it, this is the first time I have purposefully purchased a duplicate Vogelbach card. No, this is not the start to a new buying pattern and I'm definitely not going all Tim Wallach Collector with my collection. 

I'm not sure what to do with my new Vogelbach relic card. I'm thinking about looking into find a one-touch card holder and just leaving it out on my coffee table in the man room. If it gets a little sun bleached it wouldn't be the end of the world, seeing as the rest of my Vogelbach cards are safely tucked away. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do with my new acquisition?

Thanks for stopping by and reading.